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全球中文教師荒 29 四月, 2008

Posted by leterboy in Uncategorized.
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在美國 也有許多中文教學的機會




writer VS rider 傻傻分不清楚 22 四月, 2008

Posted by leterboy in Uncategorized.

When I listen a listening material , just pop the word writer.

some one is a writer. But the word rider just jump to my head.

I can’t tell if it says writer or rider.

Both sounds the same to me.

who can tell me how to distinguish ??

suggest VS recommend 21 四月, 2008

Posted by leterboy in Uncategorized.
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I suggest you attend the seminar. 上司要求下屬

I recommend you attend the seminar. 同事

suggest 暗喻比較強烈

recommend 比較傾向 建議

一般詢問 服務生 要點什麼菜 ,服務生會用 I recommend you xxx 不會用 suggest
May I recommend ….

向同事/朋友 詢問 要用什麼物品 or 要買什麼樣的設備
朋友就可能會 suggest …

going to town 21 四月, 2008

Posted by leterboy in Uncategorized.
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Going to town to eat peaches.
The up sentence indicates there was money available to go shopping, etc.

If there was no money to spend, they used: Go to town and watch the people eat peaches.

ha … so funny

It’s been a while 21 四月, 2008

Posted by leterboy in Uncategorized.
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long time no see.
Yeah, it’s been ages! How are you ?

We should have coffee and catch up properly.

It’s been a while -> 已經有一段時間 ,暗意 很長時間沒見面
Yeah, too long. We should get together some time.

How’s everything going?

a steak well done 21 四月, 2008

Posted by leterboy in Uncategorized.
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I’d like the steak well-done. 全熟的牛排

The steak comes with a baked potato and a side salad.

Can I substitute french fries for the baked potato?

And what kind of dressing would you like on your salad?

dressing -> 調味品

Thousand Island, ranch, Italian, or French.

way to go 21 四月, 2008

Posted by leterboy in Uncategorized.
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way to go captain 做得像隊長一樣好

way to go == good job

you look like a million dollars 21 四月, 2008

Posted by leterboy in Uncategorized.
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you look like a million dollars = you look outstanding =you look like a movie star = you look fantastic =you look great

million dollars = 一百萬 在rich dad裡面,提到一百萬算是美國的一個 有錢人最基本的界線。

take a rain check … what does it mean? 21 四月, 2008

Posted by leterboy in gossip心情點滴.
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來源: 球賽因雨改期時,會給觀眾一張 rain check

Would you go pub with us ?
May I take a rain check? 下次吧~~

take a rain check on …

I’ll pass this time. -> 也是不去的意思

離職 相關事項 17 四月, 2008

Posted by leterboy in gossip心情點滴.
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